Choosing An Irrigation System For Your Landscape

Sprinkler SystemJust because the snow is falling and covering your landscape, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning for the spring. If you have a large landscape, you may want to consider a residential irrigation system to save water and time when taking care of your plants. However before you commit to a system, here are some important tips on landscape irrigation.

First, to help you conserve water it’s best to plant your greenery strategically. Plants with the same watering needs should be planted closely together. By doing so, your irrigation system can be more efficient and effective. Once you have your flowers and bushes planted, it’s time to determine what irrigation system will be best for your home.

Spray Systems

This type of irrigation system is the most traditional method of watering. However, it can also be the least water efficient depending on the size of your landscape. A spray system can have sprinkler heads at the ground level, raised level or via extended pipes. Additionally they offer different rotations from full circle, half circle and other motions. Although if you use this type of system you have to be careful not to overwater your plants, because this can cause disease and harm you greenery, not help it.

Drip Irrigation System

Drip water systems are one of the most water efficient irrigation systems for your landscape. Instead of soaking plants like an overhead sprinkler system, a drip system slowly releases water that soaks into the soil. The slow consistent trickle of water also allows water to soak into the soil before evaporating or running off–saving water! A drip irrigation system also prevents plant disease caused by overwatering and moisture.

Soaker Hoses

A soaker hose is a porous garden hose that can be positioned at the base of your plants. When water runs through the hose, it filters out of the small holes in the wall of the hose and soaks the soil, similar to a drip irrigation system. This type of ground-level irrigation technique prevents evaporation and provides a more accurate watering method for your landscape.

We offer irrigation design and installation. For more information on irrigation systems, feel free to contact us and we can help you choose the best type of system for your landscape and budget. Call or click here for a quote!